Training Workshops & Seminars

Waste Management

Plexus Medcare Implementing effective waste management in hospital on a comprehensive approach, addressing the segregation, collection, storage, transportation, treatment, and disposal of different types of waste.

Policy and Regulation Compliance:
  • 1. Ensured compliance with the Biomedical Waste Management Rules, 2016, and other local regulations.
  • 2. Secured PCB approvals and engaged a biomedical waste management company.
  • 3. Obtained the necessary permits and registrations from the State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or Pollution Control Committee (PCC).
Waste Segregation:
  • 1. Implemented color-coded bins for different types of waste (e.g., yellow for biohazardous waste, red for contaminated sharps, blue for glassware, white for pharmacy waste) right at the point of generation.
  • 2. Trained staff on proper segregation practices.
Waste Minimization and Recycling:
  • 1. Conducted waste audits to identify waste reduction opportunities.
  • 2. Promoted the recycling of non-hazardous waste materials like paper and plastic.
Training and Awareness:
  • 1. Regularly trained healthcare workers and cleaning staff on proper waste handling and emergency procedures for spill management.
  • 2. Conducted awareness programs for all hospital staff about the importance of waste management and their role in it.
Safe Storage and Transportation:
  • 1. Provided secure, leak-proof, and appropriately labeled containers for storing waste before transportation.
  • 2. Ensured that the internal transportation of waste is done using dedicated trolleys or containers.
Treatment and Disposal:
  • 1. Used environmentally friendly treatment methods like autoclaving, microwaving, or hydroclaving for infectious waste.
  • 2. Ensured the safe and compliant disposal of treated waste at authorized facilities.
Contracting with Government-Approved Vendors:
  • 1. Engaged the services of vendors approved by the SPCB for the collection, transportation, and disposal of biomedical waste.
Record-keeping and Reporting:
  • 1. Maintained detailed records of waste generation, collection, treatment, and disposal as per regulatory requirements.
  • 2. Submitted annual reports to the concerned authorities about waste management practices and their effectiveness.
Infrastructure and Equipment:
  • 1. Invested in necessary infrastructure and equipment for waste treatment, like autoclaves and shredders, for the onsite treatment of waste.
  • 2. Ensured regular maintenance of waste management equipment.
Monitoring and Continuous Improvement:
  • 1. Conducted regular audits of waste management practices.
  • 2. Implemented feedback mechanisms for continuous improvement in waste management practices.
Community and Environmental Safety:
  • 1. Implemented measures to prevent unauthorized access to waste storage areas.
  • 2. Ensured that waste management practices do not adversely affect the surrounding community or environment.
Emergency Preparedness:
  • 1. Developed and implemented emergency procedures for dealing with hazardous waste spills or accidents.
  • 2. Continuous monitoring, evaluation, and adaptation of waste management practices and audits are essential for their effectiveness and sustainability.