Visiting Hours & Policies

Dear Valued Visitors,

Your presence is a cherished part of our patients' healing process. As we prioritize the safety and well-being of our patients, staff, and you, we have established the following visiting hours and policies:

Visiting Guidelines:

  • Compassion First:
    Please understand that if a patient needs immediate medical attention or rest, our staff may gently request you to step out or postpone your visit.

  • Number of Visitors:
    To ensure tranquillity and prevent crowding, only ONE visitors per patient are allowed at one time.

Visiting Hours

General Wards:

Morning: 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Evening: 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM

Intensive Care Units (ICU):

Morning: 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Evening: 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM

  • Children's Visits:
    Children under the age of 12 are advised to remain in the waiting area, unless otherwise permitted by the medical team.

  • Sanitation Matters:
    Kindly sanitize your hands upon entering and exiting the hospital. This small act shows immense love and care for your dear ones and everyone around you.

  • Stay Home If Unwell:
    If you're feeling unwell or display symptoms of cold, flu, or any contagious diseases, we kindly request you to postpone your visit. Virtual visits or phone calls can bridge the gap for now.

  • Quiet Times:
    Please maintain a calm and quiet demeanour while visiting. It promotes healing and is respectful to other patients.

  • Gifts & Food:
    While your intentions are precious, it's advisable to check with our nurses before bringing in outside food, flowers, or gifts.

  • Respect Privacy:
    Curtains or closed doors mean that the patient is undergoing treatment or needs privacy. Please wait patiently outside until you are advised/ signalled to come in.

  • Cell Phone Usage:
    To ensure that medical equipment functions optimally and that all patients have a restful environment, please keep your mobile devices on silent and avoid calls inside patient rooms.

  • Smoking Policy:
    For the health of all our patients and visitors, smoking is strictly prohibited within the hospital premises.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Together, we can create a healing, safe, and compassionate environment for everyone. If you have any concerns or special requests, please don’t hesitate to speak with our staff.

We are here to support you and your loved ones.

With Warm Regards,

Team Management

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